Thursday, February 27, 2014

Reflection and Introspection!

Reflection and Introspection!

Fibromyalgia is horrible to live with, but I suppose living with someone who has fibromyalgia can be almost as bad.  Especially if you don't know they have it.  Having someone who has been fairly active all their life, just sit on their butt now, not wanting to do very much in the way of physical activity.  Even yard work, which used to be a pleasure, is now more difficult.  So I suppose if you live with someone, that now isn't as active or as interested in anything, it can be hard.

What made things worse in my situation is the approved drug for Fibromyalgia pain relief and control is Cymbalta.  I started taking this in 2009 and the pain that had been getting worse wasn't  gone, but I was able to function.  Now the control of the pain was great, but Cymbalta is an anti-depression drug and developed for the treatment of depression.  Except, I wasn't taking it for depression, but do you think the drug knows that?  Of course not!  So, here I am, taking a fairly healthy dose of Cymbalta, "The antidepressant" and I started feeling as if not matter what the world throws at me, it will all be all right!  No, it won't you fool!  So here I am, I have a good job and for the most part, unbenounced to me, I am full of antidepressant, so when the economy took a dive and the president of the company sold his half to the vice-president, the vice-president, in order to cut costs, cut staff.  Me!

All my life, I would get laid off for reasons other than performance, and find a new job within a few months.  Well not this time!  Was it the illness?  Was it the medication?  Was it my home environment, which other than my children, wasn't very friendly at this point?  Perhaps every company found themselves already having their token middle aged white male?

So it was about mid-2013 when due to the divorce I no longer had any health benefits and I had to wean down off of my Cymbalta due to prescription costs.  At that time I felt like I had a "sure, if it is what you want and it will make you happy, then let's do it, because I want to see you happy" attitude, but this was due to the antidepressant.  So with no benefits, the monthly cost of the medication was $800 so I could no longer take it and had to stretch out what I had left, but that is when all hell broke loose with my emotions and I found myself in a deep dark funk!

Fortunately, the manufacturer of Cymbalta has a program that allows me to get the medication at no cost helping me take the medication to this day.  But that time of depression, gave me insight into what was happening to me medically and with my prescriptions, and how either or both affect my mental state.

So to this day, I struggle with letting the Fibromyalgia control my life, letting the medication control my life, or allowing myself to control my life!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fibromyalgia and living........

Fibromyalgia and living........

It is not easy!  or "EZ", no pun intended.

Back in May I applied for Social Security because it is impossible to work a nine to five job.  My issues are sometimes very difficult to live with and deal with and adding the stress of a requirement to be somewhere everyday at the same time is impossible to do.  No employer would put up with being late, being out ill, being in the bathroom, or being unable to work as much or as often as I would be.

Social Security has denied my claim twice as they do not understand the daily limitations of Fibromyalgia, and as a result, my bank account, income, and credit rating are all suffering!

Running a business such as the business model I am running is one of the few way to make any money and work a schedule around my illness, but it is hard without customers.

So please, if you have the time, check out my webstore at and "walk" the ailes.  You may be surprised at what you find!

Pleasant shopping!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Why


Why start a business when there seems to be so much going against small businesses?  Government regulations, tons of paperwork, unknown hours, debt, theft, etc., there is so much involved and so much to lose!

Well, for me, it began about 25 years ago when I started getting very tired during the day and was diagnosed with sleep apnea.  I had large tonsils, adenoids, throat and pallet and it was cutting off my breathing at night with snoring and the stoppage of my breathing.  I endured an overnight sleep study and they determined I had severe sleep apnea, but the doctor said I was to old to go through the surgery to fix it, so the prescribed a Bi-Pap machine.  Not the well known C-pap, but a Bi-pap.  The difference is the Bi-pap forces the air in both directions, in and out.  Sounds pretty severe!

Well, 20 years later, 5 bi-paps later, 4 sleep studies later, several other symptoms are creeping up and I am still just as tired, but I had been doing my research on the subject because I am not getting better, but worse.  And when was it exactly, during that 25 year period, had I stopped having dreams?  I can't recall, but I can no longer recall having any dreams while I slept.

Well after further tests, specialists visits, and research, it was determined I have Fibromyalgia.  You see, your muscular system regenerates and rebuilds it strength during the overnight period.  And not just when you are asleep, but when you are in DEEP SLEEP!  The kind of sleep that you reach deep REM sleep.  But for me, over 25 years and a good portion of that spent enjoying an active lifestyle, and no deep REM sleep at all for me!  My muscles were literally running on fumes.

At the same time I was having hearing trouble and I was found to have fluid behind my ear drums from post nasal drip and allergies, so the doctor recommended ear tubes.  That worked at draining the fluid, but with such a narrow throat, the fluid that continued to flow chose the path of least resistance, and kept flowing into the ear canal and out....gross!  With that issue, a referral to a surgeon resulted in the removal of the tonsils.

So I went in for a tonsillectomy, I had my uvula shortened, and my pallet scraped down.  I experienced a few complications, but overall it went well.

Then, as if by some sort of miracle, a week or so later, I started dreaming again.  In full technicolor, HD, 1020!  Dreams of memories, dreams of everything and anything.  Flooding back and I started sleeping better too.  I still use the bi-pap today , but I sleep and dream nightly now.  Some very interesting and unique dreams too, but that's for another post!

Unfortunately, the damage has been done and rebuilding the muscle mass in every muscle in my body, without experiencing crippling muscle pulls and excruciating cramps and crushing back pain, is a slow baby step process that will take years, but I am determined.

Now to the why!  So many of the symptoms I experience on a hourly or daily basis include heartburn, stomach cramps, irregular bowel movements which include pain, frequent urination, sweats and hot flashes, and with all that comes higher stress levels which intensified pain, headaches, shoulder pain, back pain, and ANY function you need to do with your muscles.

This condition really got very bad during a period when I had no benefits, and the medication I needed for pain, would had cost me $1200/month.  I tried to take myself off of it slowly, but pain and depression became bad.  I did some research online and found I could qualify for the medication for free through my doctor and a program that the manufacturer has for supplying medication for patients in need.

By the grace of whatever supreme being you believe in, I was able to get the medication at no charge.  But I still felt really sick, and it would take some time for the medication level to build back up in my system.  So I had to apply for SS Disability during this time, because there was no way I can get to any job on time, not spend an extraordinary amount of time in the restroom, frequently need to catch my breath doing anything physical, and being out sick often enough to drive any manager crazy!  As a result of being unable to complete normal tasks, I  was unable to hold any position. What was I to do?  Where can I go?  The stress was killing me and SS has denied m initial claim.

Fortunately during this time, I had an epiphany, a period of introspection and personal insight, allowing me to again focus on what I wanted out of life for me and the people I love and let's not leave out, what would make ME happy!  So, with the help of my medication, I focused on my goals and what I want for my second half of life!  So I pulled myself out of a funk and found strength in the desire to do better for myself and my family, and help others too.

My own business is the only way to survive an irregular schedule because as I mentioned, no manager would put up with someone who doesn't know if or when they won't be there.  I had even tried a legitimate work-at-home company doing true phone call-center work for one of the top companies in the world.  I enjoyed the job, but I was unable to keep the strict to-the-minute schedule and requirements that a call center requires, and I understand, so I was unable to keep the position due to that scheduling.

So that brings us to now and, a division of EZ Enterprises, LLC.  I want to be able to help people, but I needed a window of time to do it and not at 9:30, 1:38, or any other specific time.  As you can see by the information on the website, we do a few different things and provide a very unique assortment of products and services.  Some of my time is spent acquiring (the Fibromyalgia keeps me moving slowly, but I can move) many of the things I sell.  Nearly all the collectibles, Disneyanna, used items, and antiques are personally found and purchased by me,  I clean and restore what I can, I photograph the item, I do all the catalog information online, I will personally meet you at my appointment only location to view the larger items, I pack and ship those items as well, and as a result of this work and new unique products carried by some partners, we are updating our website stock and adding new items on a daily basis. I love doing all this and will be happy to do it for you too and although it seems like a lot, what I can guarantee is that your order is typically processed and shipped within 3 business days and if we can't keep that guarantee, then we will notify you immediately with a new ship date and give you the opportunity to cancel or change your order.

I look forward to using this blog to keep you all updated on my journey as a small business, finding modern day treasures and treats, and bringing them to you.

Peace and love, peace and love!